Thursday, January 17, 2008

He has a name!

We finally named our baby. After much discussion, we finally decided on the name Adam Tyler. Getting to know little Adam over the past day made us realize that Alexander is a little to "big" for his personality.

Obviously, it's a little hard to get to know all of the personality quirks a child has within the first 24 hours but he does seem to be a lot more laid back and calm than our other kids. Of course, once he gets home and into the rhythm of things we'll probably change that pretty quickly. Anyone who knows Josh and Emily knows it shouldn't take long for their energy and enthusiasm for life to rub off on Adam.

All he has done so far is eat, poop and sleep. He doesn't cry at all and just shows his displeasure with things by whimpering a bit and maybe grunting a little.

Here are some cute and some funny pictures we took today:


Mike and Melissa McCoy said...

Jen and Dan,
He's SOOOOOOOOOOO Cute! Mike and I can't wait to see him! He looks so much like Dan. We are so glad that everyone is doing well. We'll see ya soon.
Mike and Melissa

Kelli said...

Who gave your kids permission to get so big! What great pictures! Congratulations!

sara said...

i am so happy for you...Adam is a great name...he is absolutely perfect...just like your other sweet children!

STACEY said...

I love the name Adam Tyler! The pictures are great. Josh looks so mature and so big with his new brother.

Erin said...

Congratulations! Adam is so cute! How fun for you to have a baby in the house again.

Crystal said...

Woo Hoo!!! Congrats, Hilton family. Wow all of a sudden your older two look MUCH OLDER!!!! They're all adorable. Good job.